Thursday, July 10, 2014

Hi and welcome to my blog, I’m Lauren!

I had initially planned to provide you all with the typical ‘about me’ dot points, such as a brief insight into myself as a person, my interests and my current employment status. However, I understand this subject to be about discovering, about taking a journey through learning and changing who we are and how we analyse the world around us as a result of our study. So instead of telling you who I am now and what it is that I hope to get out of this course, I instead intend to go on this voyage with you,  with an open mind and the intent to actively make sense of the intriguing world of accounting. So as you read my reflections on our weekly topics, and my attempts to understand the financial technicalities of this course through my analysis of my company, the British Polythene Industries, I hope that you will be able to gain a better understanding of who I am and how I view the world, than any dot points could have provided. So let’s take this leap together. Let’s establish a true community of scholarship, and let’s start creating our personal views of the role and importance of accounting in the real world.  

“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.”    --  Albert Einstein 


  1. Lauren - love the quote from Albert Einstein ... and so agree we are all going on a journey together over the next few moths into the world of accounting and business... should be fun!

  2. Hi Lauren, What a diverse and interesting company you have. One would want to run and hide given a company that produces polymer - better known as 'plastic', however, I can see how important it is for them to have such a large recycling aspect within their operations. I really like how they set out the process (in the annual report) of how the plastic film is produced and then it just rolls into the recycling process - like its just one continual operation.
    What I found quite interesting is how there was a reduction in the non-utilisation fees paid to banks after they cancelled some £20 million of facilities in December 2012 which they no longer required. (That's a lot of money - someone did some good analysis to bring that to the forefront!!)
    I always enjoy reading a firm's corporate and business strategies. Their state that their corporate strategy is to develop growth opportunities within the market that they now operate as well as considering acquisition opportunities. New acquisitions is a way of increasing market penetration
    and what I found interesting is that they note that the European polythene film extrusion market was estimated at around 7.5 million tonnes in 2013 and is highly fragmented with no individual business having more than 5% of the market. Certainly hints at the opportunity for more acquisitions, would you say? I look forward to reading more about your company. Cheers, Rae

    1. Hi Rae, I am glad you have enjoyed my blog enough to take a closer look into my firm and its annual report. I also loved how they included the recycling process into the annual report, it really shows how they have planned and innovated to ensure that they provide an environmentally sound product which can be reproduced and reused. It was actually the next element that I was going to add to my blog for evaluation and discussion. I also plan to cover a number of the topics which you have mentioned in my KCQs, so you may be interested in reviewing those when I post them in the forum. Thanks again for your attention to my blog. Lauren
